承恩食品將參加2019波灣(杜拜)國際食品展(Gulfood 2019)!2019-02-


你好!承恩食品將參加2019波灣(杜拜)國際食品展(Gulfood 2019),如果你對臺灣珍珠奶茶及文化有興趣的話,請不要客氣,盡速與我們聯繫,謝謝! 展覽會,國際食品展,杜拜國際食品展,手搖飲料原料廠商,手搖飲料原料批發,手搖飲料茶葉供應商,珍珠奶茶原物料

Taking the world by storm, your favorite bubble teas & Chen En will meet you in Dubai!

你好!承恩食品將參加2019波灣(杜拜)國際食品展(Gulfood 2019),如果你對臺灣珍珠奶茶及文化有興趣的話,請不要客氣,盡速與我們聯繫,謝謝!

■ 簡介:
波灣(杜拜)國際食品展是阿拉伯聯合大公國規模最大、參觀人數最多的國際食品展覽,即將於2019年02月17日(週日)~21日(週四)在杜拜國際會議展覽中心(Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre)展出。

■展覽地點:杜拜國際會議展覽中心(Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre)

■攤位號碼:Sheikh Maktoum Hall 臺灣館NO. R-K23

Hi Dear Friends:
Good day. Chen En will attend Gulfood 2019, if you are interested in Taiwan Bubble Tea and Culture; please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you.
★ Information:
Gulfood is the biggest food exhibition in the United Arab Emirates. The show will be held from 17 Feb. to 21 Feb. 2019 at the DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE. Chen En would represent "TAIWAN" to be here sharing BUBBLE TEA with local friends.

※ Venue: Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre
※ Booth No.: Sheikh Maktoum Hall TAIWAN NO. R-K23
※ Date: 17 Feb. to 21 Feb. 2019
※ More Information: http://www.gulfood.com/

發佈時間 Feb 01, 2019 回上頁